
Video Transcript


Who wants a HUG?

It’s no secret that Heroku’s getting pretty big. Heck, we advertise the number of apps running on the platform right there on the homepage (over 88,000, when I last looked). We’ve got tens of thousands of developers, and you all have been doing some amazing work — the success stories we’ve posted are only the tip of the iceberg. With that in mind, we thought it was high time we started to get all of you together. So, on November 3rd, we’re going to hold the first official Heroku Users Group meeting. Join us at our office at 7pm to meet other Heroku users and engineers, hear war stories from the front lines, learn tips and tricks, and ask those burning questions that you’ve been holding on to for months.

We’re still working out the details, but rest assured it’ll be great. We’ll bring the knowledge (and the food, and whatever else is needed).

Originally published: October 01, 2010

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