
Video Transcript


The best camera is...

We periodically like to highlight some of the great applications people are building on Heroku. This week, a new web site and iPhone app for shutterbugs launched, and it’s getting great press and feedback around the web.

Ubermind logo

Chase Jarvis, a professional photographer, has been singing the praises of the iPhone camera as creative outlet. As he points out, the best camera is the one you have with you. To back that claim up, he’s launched a new project combining an iPhone application and community website.

Ubermind logoWhen I saw that this was running on Heroku, I knew I had to find out more. I reached out to the developers behind this project: Übermind. I dropped the mad geniuses over there a quick email, to find out how and why they are using Heroku.

Ben Sharpe, their Senior Web Services Architect responded:

“When it came down to production deployment, we investigated several alternatives — but we felt that Heroku was the best balance between features, ease of use and value.”

And these guys are getting some traction:

“In the first day we absorbed 5000+ new users and 150k impressions while updating the code throughout the day.”

It looks like that’s just the beginning, with users and traffic shooting up today too. As of Sept 25h, the iphone app is already #11 on the Top Paid App list!

They’re serving up both the iphone backend and web site with a Crane DB + 16 dynos.

Originally published: September 25, 2009

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