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PostgreSQL 9 Public Beta

At Heroku, we believe PostgreSQL offers the best mix of
powerful features, data integrity, speed, standards compliance, and
open-source code of any SQL database on the planet. That’s why we
were so excited to see the new release of PostgreSQL, version 9.0.1.

The release is described as “the most anticipated PostgreSQL version in five years” for good reason. The release adds over 200 new features and improvements. For more on PostgreSQL 9, see the coverage in Infoworld, and Linux.com as well as the discussion on Hacker News.

Today we are making PostgreSQL 9 available to all Heroku users through our public beta program. It is offered as a dedicated database with specifications identical to our existing Ronin plan. As a beta release, we do not recommend using this for production applications.

This is an excellent opportunity to test the compatibility of your schema and application code with PostgreSQL 9, and to try out its new features. Please note that our implementation does not yet support streaming replication or hot-standbys.

To provision PostgreSQL 9 on a new application and restore a PG Backups database backup, use the following commands:

$ sudo gem install heroku     # To install the latest version of the Heroku gem
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:pg9test --app <your test app name>
$ heroku pg:promote --db HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_PG9TEST_URL --app <your test app name>
$ heroku pgbackups:restore `heroku pgbackups:url --app <your production app name>`

Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Originally published: December 17, 2010

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